Thursday, 31 March 2016

A mini quilt for March

I bought myself a smallish Christmas tree last year
since all my full-grown Christmas stuff is still in storage,
and I'd had enough of not having a tree up :)

It's one of those fibre optic ones, 
really pretty lights :)
However it also has this awful ugly pot
at it's base, yuk!

Now I have a proper little tree quilt
ready for this Christmas
(less than nine months away! eek)
It's about 23" across,
and all from scraps, yay :)


March Gingerbread Man

This little gingerbread man is soooooo unhappy.... someone has taken two bites of him.  He's an easy decoration:  brown felt, small white rick rack, 2 red buttons, and a little thread.      I'm sorry but I don't remember where I got this pattern, it's so old !!
But I have enjoyed this monthly blog ---- it makes me finish some of the very old Christmas projects.

Until next month, Blessings, Sandy

March finish

Running late again. I finished this yesterday but couldn't post until this morning as it's school holiday & the desktop was unavailable until now. :)
The Carolers by Natalie Bird.

Happy Stitching,

Monday, 28 March 2016

A little finish

I have made a little quilted hexagon coaster. It was a kit that was given to me years ago. Pushed to the back of the cupboard and forgotten about. Time has come to clean out the smaller projects. Tis was an easy one to do...

Sunday, 27 March 2016

An Ornament Finish and a Bit of Progress

This month I sewed a crazy quilted circle I completed last October into a Christmas ornament. Sewing circles is not my strong point. Thanks to the beaded edging tutorial I found at Hokkaido Kudasai, it looks a bit more round than it originally did.  

The ornament will be a gift.

On my larger projects, I made a tiny bit of progress. I added a few more snowflakes to my Winter/Christmas wall quilt. Next month, I am going to try adding a flake a day so I might actually finish it this year. (I love the look of the snowflakes, but find I am very s-l-o-w at embroidering them.)

I also finished the little tree scene at the bottom of the Christmas stocking I am working on. (I believe the Santa cross-stitch was from the book Alma Lynne's Country Cross-Stitch. I no longer have the book, so I'm not positive.) My goal is to finish the embroidery on this by next month's update.

Narelle, thank you for your behind the scenes work with our Christmas Workshop. It provides me with motivation when I find mine lacking (or other projects screaming louder for attention.)

Friday, 25 March 2016

Click Go The Needles

Click, click, click ... my knitting needles have been getting short bursts of use in the past week. The first glimmer of a Christmas gift almost ready to go into safe keeping.

I just love working with this wool ... it's called "Giggle" and I get 2 cloths from one ball. They make amazing dust cloths and super soft wash cloths. I also have a ball of white for baby wash cloths.

Wonder how busy our workshop has been this month?


I used Michelle Ridgway's design for the letter K on this Christmas mini hanger.
The finished size is 7 x 7.5 inches.
Thanks Narelle... for hosting us all this month...

Wednesday, 23 March 2016

February Finish .... Just a Bit Late Posting

Well the end of last month was hectic for me with working full-time (arrghh don't do that often) and any spare moment working on my Master of Nursing assignment (3am finishes) before I took off to Hobart, Australia, so blogging was on the back burner ..... I also misplaced my camera cord so photos were stuck on the camera.

Anyway I did finish a project for February and am just about to completed the March one so will post that one in the next few days.

This "Heart of Christmas" stitchery is a Rosalie Quinlan design I started awhile back but have now finished.  I still have two other to finish and am hoping to this year.

This one is the "Angels" pattern

Thursday, 10 March 2016

March Finish

It looks like a lot of people are going to get pillows for Christmas, now that I found the tutorial on Geta Grama's site. They really are fast, though I'm slower than she is! I think it took me 20 minutes, but it was my first one. Now I want to experiment with piecing my own fabric for it. The only thing I will change is using 38" instead of 40". I thought the overlap was too large, more than I usually make, and it made the pillow hard to get in the cover.

  This fabric is a soft yellow, with pretty spring flowers on it. I must have succumbed to the lure of spring outside my window, with birds singing and the windows open all over the house. It's 77 out there and sunny off and on!

Thursday, 3 March 2016

February Finish

The February finish is posting a few days late -- I've been painting a bedroom, cleaning some closets, and generally downsizing..  we're hoping to find a house and move closer to my daughter, son, and granddaughter.
  (I tend to get impatient and have to remind myself that all my plans will fall in place in the Lord's time, not mine.)
Anyway, this is for my grandson and his wife. 

The weather is gorgeous, 65 degrees.  Too pretty to be inside but we're repairing a floor....... darn......

Hope all of you are having a wonderful day.  Many blessings,  Sandy