Sunday, 25 April 2021

April Finish

 Finally i have a finish to show. The last couple of months has been a big upheaval with moving house & getting settled. I've had these little baubles prepped for quite a long while & have finally got around to making them up.

Happy Stitching,


  1. They look wonderful too.
    Glad you are all settled in now as well...xox

  2. They are really cute, Sherrie!

  3. I really like your little baubles -- or as I think of them, ornaments. Did you make up the designs? Or are they available commercially. I make my 4 grands a new ornament every year. I think these are really "hip" and "modern" looking. My oldest grand doesn't exactly see me that way! It would be fun to make these. Thanks for any info you can share.

  4. So cute! I'm amazed you could find the time and the materials while moving. What an accomplishment!

  5. So cute. Love your blog and ideas
