Wednesday 27 January 2021

Michell’s January

After not posting on here for a long time I am going to make an effort and do it monthly.  However I did do Xmas stuff last year.

This month I have started a new project.
Though I have stitched more than the picture below now, I am away on holiday writing this and have not got the project with me, so look for it next month.

What I have finished is the first elf. I was going to take a picture the night before leaving but got sidetracked. 

And best of all my S titching mojo is returning ❤️

So that’s my January post finally done.



  1. It is lovely that your joy in sewing is returning. Not having something to enjoy makes getting through life harder. It will be great to see your embroideries when you have time.

  2. I love those patterns and thats a great one to start your Christams sewing...

  3. Lovely pattern, you've inspired me tp find a nice wallhanging to stitch.

  4. This is such a sweet stitchery and so glad to hear that your stitching mojo is coming back. Everybody needs a little break every now and then. I hope you have a great week and look forward to your next post. Happy stitching.

  5. That is going to be so cute! I love the whimsical characters.
