Thursday, 3 December 2020

Oh so late.

 This is a very late November post rather than an early December one. We are back home after the builders finished and trying t get to grips with the new technology of remote controls for the central heating.

Here is the little Christmas embroidery, not the best photo due to the seasonal weather in the u.k.

The colours are the shaded green, metallic green, gold thread and red.

I did finish month five of the Lucy Boston blocks, I'm not sure I will get month six finished in December as we have the house to put back to normal.

Christmas trees are up and outside lights to combat the shorter daylight hours. 

Happy sewing



  1. Fingers crossed that the house becomes a home again really quickly.
    Nice work on Lucy too... xox

  2. Thank you, it is going to take awhile to return the house to normal. I have instead decorated for Christmas, much more satisfying.

  3. Such a sweet little Christmas embroidery and as for your Lucy Boston blocks, they are lovely.
