Tuesday, 24 March 2020

In MaRcH

I actually finished 2 cushions...
One will stay in my home & the other would have been taken to Canada to my sister-in-laws in August... but I guess we won't be going in 2020 now.
Jolly the Elf will have a  l-o-n-g  wait until Xmas 2021...

Thanks Narelle... 
I guess none of us will have any excuses for NOT finishing a few items for Christmas during this social distancing...
Please take care... xox


  1. we just have to be excited a bit longer for our special trips... our May one is off also of course...

  2. I love the cushions, good idea for quick change of season decorating.

  3. Very cute! I have two sons home from college--that might be my excuse! LOL. So far I'm still getting sewing in but I have to make big meals again!

  4. Cute cushions ... a silver lining ⛅
