Friday, 10 January 2020

Snow Happy for 2020

Like Fiona I love the Snow Happy Ornaments by Bunny Hill Designs. I will follow the square ornaments I think. I've ordered some pretty felt and just have to find a suitable charm pack. Last year was the first year I hadn't  made any new decorations.
While I wait for the felt to arrive I can make a start on tracing on the fusible webbing.

aka Alcea Rosea


  1. Looking forward to seeing your projects throughout the coming year...xox

  2. Lovely projects and great start xx

  3. wonderful... we can sew together which is even more fun. I changed my mind about the fleece and have found a bit of felt too!

  4. How fun! I love these designs. Another blogging friend finished these off into a quilt a couple of years ago and it is gorgeous. I cannot wait to see your progress.
