Wednesday, 1 March 2017

Winter/Christmas Crazy Quilt Progress

This month, I spent a couple of evenings quilting my Winter/Christmas Wall Quilt with embroidered snowflakes. 

I did not get as far as I hoped, but I did have fun working with some of the lovely snowflake patterns my friend at Magpie's Mumblings shared here, here and here.

There is still a fair amount of beading to add to the snowflakes that have been embroidered.

This is the first time I have really worked on this project since sharing it last March. I hope to make more progress (and maybe finish it?) this March. 

I love this project. The ladies that were in the round robin with me are so talented. And, I think the snowflakes make the border more fun. I am just so S-L-O-W stitching them. 


  1. I love blue and white/silver Christmas colors. Red and Green is Christmasy, and blue and silver is elegant. I can never decide which I like better.

  2. thats so pretty.... llovely idea...

  3. Those snowflakes really do make it sparkle :)

  4. Thank you for the sweet comments. Carol, neither can I. I think I go through phases with both color combinations.
