Thursday, 26 January 2017

A Flying Start

Welcome 2017 and a big welcome back to our workshop for another year of creativity, friendship and a head start on gifting and decorating for Christmas 2017.

Already January has been a busy month ... we welcomed a new grandson to our family ... first child for our daughter and hubby ... meet Parker.

My sewing priority has been working on a quilt for him ... seen here on my blog ... and of course back to work but once routine is established (is that at all possible?) there will be Christmas sewing and knitting and crochet. Always need more dishcloths, washcloths etc.

Same rules for the workshop in 2017:

#  Make an item to decorate or be gifted  OR  make progress on a long term Christmas project

#  Post with a pic (unless it's a secret) on our blog each month from the 25th

#  Don't stress if you miss a month ... I'm sure that will happen to me too

#  If using labels at the bottom of your post, please use the month/year provided and your name or blog name

#  As you make a post each month, I will be adding a letter to your link on the right sidebar as an added insentive to keep in touch

Happy Christmas Crafting


  1. Congrats Narelle on your beautiful new grandson xx

  2. Lovely pic of your new grandson - congratulations on his arrival! I'm hoping to be more organised this this space!!!!

  3. Congratulations!
    This year I hope to get some gifts made during the year, so I'm hoping you'll add me to the list for 2017.

  4. Congratulations! Your grandson is adorable. (My husband walked by and stopped to read his outfit, laughed and declared, "That is great." I think he asked why no one bought him one of those, too, but I pretended not to listen. *grin*)

    Thank you for all you do behind the scenes to keep the workshop running!
