Thursday 15 December 2016


Hello everybody,

I had a rough year and between health problems and an extremely hot Summer, not much Christmas crafting happened. I did make one Christmas gift, a shawl for a friend.

I hope next year will be better and I hope you will let me play in the workshop again, even if I only made 3 Christmas items this year.

Merry Christmas everyone!


  1. I loved checking out what the elves made this year. Unfortunately since the months of January, February & March...I've had a complete meltdown with my monthly makings to this group. Hopefully Narelle I will be back on track in 2017...
    Merry Christmas xox

  2. Beautiful shawl, you friend is very fortunate. I hope you have a lovely Christmas and 2017 is a much better year for you.

  3. A gorgeous shawl for your friend Maria :)
    Look forward to having you with us again next year ... may we all find a little more time for sewing and creating.
    Merry Christmas xx

  4. Merry Christmas! It is a beautiful shawl.
