Wednesday, 28 September 2016

I'm Late .. I'm Late

Super quiet in the workshop at the moment ... hope we can all find a little crafting time for some finished projects in the last few months before Christmas.

Gremlins have been busy at my place ... my computer is very ill ... my internet is almost non-existant and time has been swallowed up by the hum drum of daily life. But not complaining ... I am about to cast on for my next knitted wash cloth ... still a few days of September left 😊

Who else can squeeze in a last minute finish?


  1. oh darn those Gremlins! But I'm sure your workshop won't be closing any time soon Narelle, hang in there.

  2. Computer problems are so frustrating! I hope things are worked out soon and that you are able to find some crafty time. I spent an hour working toward a small finish this morning. It *might* be done before the end of the month. I hope so! At the moment, the hum drum bits of life are calling me back.
