Thursday 1 September 2016

August - No Sew Fleece Blanket

Thanks to this blog, I have a finish this month. Last December, my son and I found this no-sew fleece blanket kit marked down by 75% at JoAnn Fabric. We put it in a safe place, planning to put it together before Christmas. We rediscovered it in February. Oops!

Today, I trimmed and tied the edges. This was my first no-sew fleece blanket and I had fun with it.

Thank you for offering this Santa's Workshop, Narelle. This would still be in its "safe place" awaiting attention without it.


  1. Your blanket looks great Renee ... I haven't heard of no-sew ... sounds clever :)

  2. Very cute! You are going to be so happy in a couple of months when everyone is trying to finish up their projects and you are all finished and relaxing!
    Cindy Bee

  3. Narelle, a friend's daughter makes a lot of fleece no-sew blankets to donate to a children's hospital. I've been intrigued by the idea. You clip the corners, then (for this one) cut 1-inch strips along the edge that go 5-inches deep. Once they are cut, you tie them in knots. It only took about 2 hours.

    Bee Lady, thank you! I hope to be done. I tend to think of more last minute projects... ;)
