Thursday, 3 March 2016

February Finish

The February finish is posting a few days late -- I've been painting a bedroom, cleaning some closets, and generally downsizing..  we're hoping to find a house and move closer to my daughter, son, and granddaughter.
  (I tend to get impatient and have to remind myself that all my plans will fall in place in the Lord's time, not mine.)
Anyway, this is for my grandson and his wife. 

The weather is gorgeous, 65 degrees.  Too pretty to be inside but we're repairing a floor....... darn......

Hope all of you are having a wonderful day.  Many blessings,  Sandy


  1. What a lovely finish! I hope your move goes well.

  2. Wonderful work! Hope you find some small scraps of time to be outside enjoying your lovely weather too :)

  3. Love your Xmas gift and a good idea making 1 item a month. I do try to follow that rule and have loads of Birthday cards made already.
