Wednesday, 23 March 2016

February Finish .... Just a Bit Late Posting

Well the end of last month was hectic for me with working full-time (arrghh don't do that often) and any spare moment working on my Master of Nursing assignment (3am finishes) before I took off to Hobart, Australia, so blogging was on the back burner ..... I also misplaced my camera cord so photos were stuck on the camera.

Anyway I did finish a project for February and am just about to completed the March one so will post that one in the next few days.

This "Heart of Christmas" stitchery is a Rosalie Quinlan design I started awhile back but have now finished.  I still have two other to finish and am hoping to this year.

This one is the "Angels" pattern


  1. Very sweet hanger Michell ... look forward to March project :)

  2. So sweet! Glad things are more sorted for you :)
