Sunday, 27 March 2016

An Ornament Finish and a Bit of Progress

This month I sewed a crazy quilted circle I completed last October into a Christmas ornament. Sewing circles is not my strong point. Thanks to the beaded edging tutorial I found at Hokkaido Kudasai, it looks a bit more round than it originally did.  

The ornament will be a gift.

On my larger projects, I made a tiny bit of progress. I added a few more snowflakes to my Winter/Christmas wall quilt. Next month, I am going to try adding a flake a day so I might actually finish it this year. (I love the look of the snowflakes, but find I am very s-l-o-w at embroidering them.)

I also finished the little tree scene at the bottom of the Christmas stocking I am working on. (I believe the Santa cross-stitch was from the book Alma Lynne's Country Cross-Stitch. I no longer have the book, so I'm not positive.) My goal is to finish the embroidery on this by next month's update.

Narelle, thank you for your behind the scenes work with our Christmas Workshop. It provides me with motivation when I find mine lacking (or other projects screaming louder for attention.)


  1. Gosh Renee, you have so much lovely work in hand! Gorgeous circle ornament! I think it looks nicely round to me :) Those trees are darling! Best of luck with your stitching goals :)

  2. Beautiful work and those snowflakes will be well worth it ... Your making great progress.
