Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Happy New Year 2016

Happy New Year to all elves and may we all have a very successful year in our merry little workshop. Thank you for all you have shared in previous years and I'm sure we are all looking forward to seeing pictures of all the amazing creations to make Christmas 2016 a Happy Handmade Christmas.

It's as simple as following these 3 steps:

1.  Get busy in the sewing room with

     a)   an item which you will use as a decoration in your home at Christmas  OR

     b)  an item to be given as a gift at Christmas  OR

     c)  one large project for the year and post your progress each month.

2.  Post a picture of your finished item (or progress on your large project) between the 25th and end of that month. Please use month 2016 in the label or the month in your title.

3.  No stress allowed ... no problem if you miss a month ... join in again when you can.

Can I please ask participants to comment on this post or send an email -  pinsandwhiskers(at)gmail(dot)com - if you wish to take part in 1 Xmas Item A Month for 2016. Our door is always open and new Elves are most welcome to join us in the workshop.  I have already taken note of comments and added the following names as 2016 Elves.  Michell, Jeanette, Sisbabe, Raewyn, Maria in NC, Renee and Myself.


  1. I'd love to join in again and is year

  2. I would love to join this chance to spread Christmas sewing through the year.

  3. Oh most definitely...please add my name. xox

  4. I would love to join the group. Please add my name sanny4949.blogspot.com. Thanks. Sandy

  5. Yes please..... I'd love to join up

  6. Replies
    1. Would love to have you join Toni. Your email shows as no-reply...can you email me: pinsandwhiskers(at)gmail.com with an email address so I can send you an invite to the blog?

  7. hi Anita, Thanks for visiting my blog. The rubber stamp came from a craft show at the NEC for a £1 in a sewing themed pack!! I checked out the packet but no joy. Sorry, enjoy your crafting. Jo x

  8. I look forward to seeing all the lovely things that are being made this year.

  9. Hi Narelle. I'd love to join in this year. Last year I tried to make a Christmas item each month but didn't know about this group. It will be fun to see what everyone gets up to. Cheers. Janice

  10. Oooh just discovered this. I LOVE making for Christmas. Today is 24th so not absolutely sure I will make a posting for this month but I'll try, work, family permitting etc. But please can I be allowed to participate? Love love love this idea. Selma from the UK

  11. I have watched you girls over the past year making lovely Christmas projects and as I love Christmas so much would I be able to join in the fun. I know being part of a group makes one a lot more motivated.

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  13. I would love to join if you would let me. I am a procrastinator so this would help me keep on track and get things done before the Christmas crunch times happens.

  14. Hi all. Looking forward to seeing the Elves projects for 2016 as I so enjoyed seeing all the beautiful projects in 2015. Thank you Narelle for adding me to the group. I look forward to the challenge of completing more gifts in 2016 and sharing with everyone. Not sure how to post on the site though.

  15. 8 months late to the party, but I'm hoping to get started on some Christmas sewing, knitting and crochet if it's not too late to join in with everyone

  16. Hi Narelle i would love to join in for 2017 if you are doing it next year,i am sorry when i deleted my old blog i lost my link to this group.
    Hope you and your family have a wonderful xmas and a safe and happy new year xx

  17. Hi Narelle,
    I would like to join in this 1 Xmas finish a month group please.
    I can't seem to find a join up for 2017.
    thanks, Sue(Sue2sew) in NZ

  18. I would love to join in for 2018 if you're still taking elf applications! :)
