Sunday, 1 February 2015

Christmas Pillow Cover

I am so excited to join 1 Xmas Item a Month this year. 
It was so much fun seeing all of the lovely finishes in 2014.

This month, I made my first Christmas pillow cover for a 12-inch pillow form
by slightly modifying the tutorial at Lemon Tree Creations.
I fell in love with this "Christmas Spirit" fabric by Geoff Allen 
for Springs Creative Products Group.
The pillow will look right at home on our couch in December!


  1. Well done on your finish. I love your fabric too.

  2. Gorgeous fabric Renee ... Welcome and well done on your first finish :o)

  3. The fabric is most gorgeous! Well done :)

  4. Stunning fabric, lovely cushion! So many great starts to the OXIAM year from you all!

  5. Hach, es gibt so schöne Weihnachtsstoffe!!! Du führst ja 4 Blogs, dieser hier ist besonders schön!!! Danke für deinen Kommentar bei mir und gute Besserung für dich, liebe Grüße, Jutta
