Saturday, 22 March 2014

Using Stash Fabric

Thanks Narelle for encouraging all of us to make an item each month!!!
I used stash fabric & made a small cushion. Then I realised that I had just enough left to make another one... so I did!

Thanks again Narelle... this little group HeLPs a LoT.


  1. Your cushions are so sweet, Cheryl. One of the things I love about blogs like this is that there are so many ideas that we can modify to suit our own stash. I would love to have a go at making one (or two!) cushions like this - do you mind if I borrow your idea?

    1. Oh of course not... be my guest! As you said that's the best part of blogging...sharing ideas! :)

  2. Yes THANK YOU Narelle! Cute cushions, a good way to 'bust the stash'.

  3. Gorgeous fabric and a lovely way to create with it :o)
