Wednesday, 24 December 2014

Merry Christmas

Thank you everyone for your wonderful contributions to our happy little workshop. It has been a pleasure to be host elf and I do hope you will join me again next year as we craft along filling our gift boxes with lovely treasures to share or decorate at Christmas.

This jar of cookies were a quick bake this morning before family arrive ... if you would like to try them out I have added the recipe to the 'Recipe' page ... very yummmm!

Merry Christmas

Monday, 22 December 2014

It's almost here.

So here we are with Christmas almost with us.My grandchildren are getting very excited.
I finished the Christmas banner and posted it to Oz.
My daughter loves it .

Not a great picture,I took it with my iPad ,I was in a great hurry to post it.
My youngest daughter has only hand made ornaments on her tree ,of course made by me.Its a black tree( not my taste) each year I make her an ornament.

Two baubles this year,made with felt.
So for me it was a very productive year ,as well as the banner and baubles  I made a Christmas quilt,

And a little crochet penguin that I made last month.
So that's my year,very pleased with my efforts,I would never have completed the Christmas quilt without this blog.
Do its a very big thank you to Narrelle for hosting again this year.
A very merry Christmas and healthy happy New Year to you all.Ive really enjoyed watching all your makes,and you have given me lots of ideas for next year.

Love to you all,

Xmas Items for December

I managed 3 items this month
stockings for my GS's
& a Natalie Bird wallhanging.

Thankyou Narelle for hosting us again this year. xx

Merry Christmas.

Happy Stitching,

Sunday, 21 December 2014

Last projects for the year.

I made two more items this year to complete the 12 month commitment.  One was a table mat which I saw in a magazine and liked because it was easy, and I knew I had the right fabrics in my stash.

Unfortunately I made a bad decision with the binding by using up strips that I had in my stash, instead of the same fabric all around.  Ah well, maybe next year I'll find time to rip off that binding and re do it properly.  It is sitting on the hall table with a phone and a few ornaments on top of it, so you don't really see much except for the gingham and Christmas braid.

The other item I made up was a stocking from one of those printed panels.  I donated this to a charity for their Xmas hamper.

Friday, 19 December 2014

December Projects

I know I am a little early but I am sure next week I'd forget. Here are my last two Christmas items for this year. I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and hope we'll see each other again next year for more crafting through the year.

Oops, I almost forgot, I also managed to stitch three more of the adorable Advent Animals by Brooke Nolan.

Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Tis The Season... Finished In The Nick Of Time!

Welcome to my one & only '1 Xmas Item A Month' project for 2014!

I give you
'Tis The Season' - Christmas Stitchings by Natalie Bird (The Birdhouse)
Stitched by little old ME!

I am so pleased to have gone from this:

to this:
My fabrics are Lynette Anderson 'Christmas Fun', & as you can hopefully make out, the quilting is very simple.
This little book is so good... it features 13 stitchery designs, & contains a few really fun & easy projects to use them. I can tell I'll be stitching from it again in future.

Thank you again & again to Elf Queen Narelle for hosting this great blog & for supporting all of us in our efforts to make Festive items we'll cherish! xo

Merry Christmas To All the '1XIAM' Elves... maybe some of you will be here again next year?!

December catchup

I see I am not the only naughty elf in the last three months.  I have been busy completing sscs with gone stitchin but I can't show yet.... A fellow embroiderer and I also made 8 of the following but forgot to take a picture..  These were for our embroidery group for Xmas ..

I have also been making another gift but the cats out of the bag now so I can show you all...

And last but not least a Xmas decoration finish...

Hope that makes up for being such a naughty elf

My Santa Sack Swap pressies all sent...

A big thank you to our head elf Narelle you have been so helpful with  all the encouragement.

Friday, 12 December 2014

It's December

and I know I'm early posting about my item... but time is flying by & I didn't want to forget.
THANK YOU Narelle for hosting again this year...
Without you & this blog... I'm sure my "box" wouldn't be as full!
It's been FuN seeing what everyone "creates" too... & so very inspiring!

MeRRy CHriSTMaS  to YOU & to all 1XiAM-ers... Ho Ho Ho ...

Hugs xox

Thursday, 27 November 2014

November's effort

I wanted to make some sort of decorations to give to my stitching group & when i was at the craft show spotted the pattern for these. Just finished in time as out Xmas party is on Sunday. :)
There is 30 of them

Happy Stitching,

Wednesday, 26 November 2014

November Xmas Stitching

I can't believe it is November already, but at least we get to put out all those lovely Christmas things we've all been stitching all year. Thankyou Narelle for keeping us motivated during the year. It has been fun seeing what everyone has been sewing. 
My favourite tree is the one with handmade decorations on it - either ones I've made or from friends and swaps.  This month I have been stitching these cute little star decorations - a lovely pattern from Michelle of Rag-Tag Stitchin. Cheryl

A "Naughty" List?

If there's going to be a 'naughty' list then I better put myself at the top. My poor little birdy ornament is still waiting to be made up and no further Christmas Crafty-ness has been happening except for this 12 1/2" block I made up for our local patchwork group's Christmas gift swap.

I'm afraid this cruel drought just won't let go and all my time and energy is spent helping hubby care for our livestock. It's lovely to be able to pop in here and see all the gorgeous gifts and decorations that all you lovely clever elves have been busy making. Keep up the great work because you-know-who is packing the sleigh and it won't be long now...who's already started their festive displays or is there a special date at your place?

2015?  Yes, I would love to keep our merry group going next year and look forward to joining in once more with hopefully more success in the crafty department.

RECIPES?  If you have a Christmas recipe you would like to email to me, I'll pop it up on the Recipe page when I have a chance.

DECEMBER ~ I was thinking that maybe as December is THE month, we could post at any time if you have any items to share.

Happy Christmas Crafting and may your Gift Boxes be overflowing with handmade goodness.

Naughty naughty Elf!!

That's me!
I see you making such fabulous goodies, you are all good Elves..................but not me, I haven't made a Christmasy thing since August! B - A - D!!!!

Will this cushion make up for it?

the back..................

I also made a bunch of decorated hand towels and tea towels.

Can I go back to being a good Elf..................naughty is not so nice!

Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Christmas item for November

I'm really happy to have something to show you this month. Two table runners are finished. This is a AnnAKa design. I have used this pattern several times - last year 4 were made.
I hope you all enjoy this time of the year - only one month until Christmas!

christmas catch up

I haven't contributed much this year to christmas crafting but I made up for it this month.
this is probably my whole years worth... in one hit...
these were stitched last month but got finished this month
 more tags
 a christmas gift....
 more decorations..
Maybe next year I can space them out a bit better lol
Roll on December!

A November cutie!

This month I actually have a wee finish to share :-)
This hanger is made from felt and has a cute little pocket in the front to pop some sweeties into!
It's a Marg Low design from an old Homespun magazine (#38).
It's always lovely to see what everyone's been making and thank you Narelle:-)

November project

My project for this month is a cushion for a friend who has cancer.  She saw the design on the cover of one of my magazines while visiting me, and said "Oh that is lovely!  Would it be hard to make?" and I said no, not hard at all. 

Here is my version.  Slightly different fabric, as I had some red and white spotted material in my stash, which also had little blue flowers on it, but I used it anyway, rather than buy more.   Must call D. to see when I can give it to her rather than wait until closer to Christmas.

1 Xmas item a Month

 I managed to finishThis cute xmas heart which is a pattern by Rosalie Quinlan so this is my one finish for the month,a big thankyou to Narelle for keeping us on track.
cheers shez xx


that's made from FeLT.
If you would like to know where this pattern is from... just click HERE...
I have all the details on my blog.
Thanks again Narelle...
Been on holiday most of this month,but managed to crochet this little chap at the weekend.x

Thursday, 20 November 2014

November Jingling Away

Goodness, can the big day only be 35 days away!

This month I finished a Santa sack
with lots and lots of room for elf-makings :)
 Also I forgot to post here for October
I stitched up some elves for next year's cards
There have been some gorgeous makes here this year,
you elves have been so busy,
it is so lovely to see what you have been up to :)


Saturday, 1 November 2014

Three items for October.

Here are my Xmas finishes for October.

2 Xmas ornaments and a wall hanging by Gail Pan.
Thank you Narelle for hosting this blog.